ALIM Web Help

Editing Tag Properties

A tag is a single standalone entity with specific functional characteristics. A tag can be broken down into other tags (subcomponents) in accordance with a specific configuration.

Site/Plant/Facility equipment and its components such as mechanical, electrical, electronic, hydraulic and pneumatic parts are classified as tags. The terms functional location and component can also be used as alternatives to tag.

For example,
Property Description
Component Id The unique identifier given to a tag. This can be the functional location/component number, Loop ID for instrumentation or prototype number. Configuration Management rules in AssetWise do not allow this number to be duplicated within the same facility, for identification of another tag.
Revision Change-controlled tags are revised using a change request. Every revision is a copy of the previous revision, including changes.
Service Description A description of the tag.

Sometimes referred to Service Description in the plant industry.

In AssetWise Engineering Designer, these terms can be changed to suit the industry using the AssetWise Layout Editor (an option on the AssetWise Director installer).

System Identifies the primary function of the system to which this tag belongs.
Unit Code The physical item of which this tag is a part. For components in a plant, these are normally the plant unit or train.

This Unit typically describes the geographic decomposition of the plant. For example, Level 3 pump equipment room.

Operational Status The as-designed status of a component.
Possible values are:
  • Abandoned in Place
  • Operational
  • Planned
  • Removed
Approval Status The approval status identifies the tag configuration state.
Possible values:
  • Approved
  • Not Approved

Only approved tags can be affected objects on a change request.

This approval status is maintained and controlled by a business process or by an assigned group or role.

Effective/Obsolete The effectivity of a tag is defined by the effective and obsolete dates. In practice, the effective date is normally the same date as the approval date of the tag.

A tag's effectivity may be important for temporary changes - for example, when scaffolding is temporarily installed in support of a construction project.

Class Identifies the nature of the tag in terms of what attributes can be assigned to it.

This field is also used to define where the component falls in the Class hierarchy.

Description Used to further identify a tag or to provide more informational details.
Installed Equipment Identifies the nature of the tag in terms of what attributes can be assigned to it.

This field is also used to define where the component falls in the Class hierarchy.

Change Controlled The configuration control measures that are required in order to make changes to the tag.

If a tag is marked as change-controlled, a new revision is required in order to make changes.

Tags may also be "Not change-controlled" which means that updates are only subject to the permission model.

Installed Equipment Selected from the approved alternative equipment list.

Changes to the installed equipment do not require a change request, but are subject to permission control.

Modify permission on the tag is required.

Fitted Serial Number The currently fitted equipment instance that is derived from the Installed Equipment. and is typically the unique number assigned by the manufacturer to identify it in the real world.

To add a serial number, select "Serial object" from the list.

In order to populate this field, the Unit Code must be a Serialized Physical Item with an assigned Serial Number.

Only Serial objects from Physical Items listed in the Equipment list are available for this field.

Tag Relationships

The following table lists all possible relationships that may be added to a tag:

Topic Description
Files A standard AssetWise topic for attaching files to an object.
Affected Change Requests Used to create a relationship between a tag and an existing change request.
Documents Used to create a relationship between a tag and an existing document.
Keywords Used to manage keywords of the tag.
Locations Used to create a relationship between a tag and an existing location.
Responsibilities Used to manage responsibilities for a tag.
Related Tags Used to create a non-controlled relationship between this tag and other existing tags.
Where Used Used to create a controlled relationship between this tag and another existing parent tag.
Tag List Used to create a controlled relationship between this tag and another existing child tag.
Security Used to manage security for the tag.
Work Orders Used to create a relationship between a tag and an existing work order.
Virtual Item Groups Used to create a relationship between a tag and an existing virtual item group.
Grouped Virtual Items Used to create a relationship between a tag and an existing grouped virtual item.
Physical Items Used to create a relationship between a tag and an existing physical item.
Cross References Used to manage a tag's cross references.
Organizations Used to create a relationship between a tag and an existing organization.
Equipment Used to create a list of compatible equipment that can be installed for this tag.
Alternative Numbers Used to add alternative numbers to a tag.
Prototypes Displays a list of prototypes of the tag. (Only available in View mode.)
Other Revisions Displays a list of other revisions of the object. This topic is available for tags and documents. (Only available in View mode.)